Tired of Lonely
Tired of Lonely
Gayle Lynn - Relationship coach who specializes in a non-traditional relationships style.
I had the pleasure of introducing a wonderful relationship coach on my podcast. Her name is Gayle Lynn and she specializes in a non-traditional relationships style.
Gayle Lynn is a relationship coach focusing on: “What do you do when your partner wants to have sex with another person?” or maybe you want to have sex with someone else!
She is passionate about empowering clients to make educated choices about their relationships. She experienced her spouse coming to her and expressing his desire to have sex with someone else.
So many people will go out and cheat on their partner when there is a better way to handle the situation. Creating open and honest communication is key in these situations. Big feelings come up and many people don’t know how to process them. Having someone who has no agenda and creates a space where there will be no shame or guilt is what she desires for her client’s experience.
I found her information so incredibly helpful, and I'm sure my listeners will too. If you're looking for some help when it comes to dating, be sure to check out her website for some freebies or give her a call!
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